Morph Ball
When called, two players from each team have to run and grab a stick and hit the ball into their opponents’ goal first.
To score a goal, field hockey style.
Two sticks
Goal posts
How to Play Morph Ball:
Place a goal at each end of the hall and the 2 sticks and ball in the middle.
Divide the group into two teams and have them sit in a line on opposite sides of the room.
Number off each player in both teams, ie both teams have a 1,2,3…
Call out a random number and then the corresponding players from each team have to run and grab a stick and hit the ball into their goal first.
Then repeat with a new number and so on.
Call 2 or 3 numbers at once to make things more exciting.
When numbering off the teams. Have the teams sit in reverse order. (so #1 would be sitting opposite the #10 from the other team, and #2 sitting opposite #9 etc).