Opportunities for Young People and Youth Leaders
I Love Taiwan Applications are open for 2025
I Love Taiwan programme is hosted by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). The programme is open for applicants aged between 18-35. The dates this year are July 3-17 with an application deadline of May 21. Global Mission encourages members of the PCANZ to apply and offers a travel subsidy of $500 towards expenses. The PCT covers all internal costs in Taiwan so participants only need to pay for their international airfares.
The PCANZ shares a warm relationship with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the programme is a great way for young adults from New Zealand to learn about life in Taiwan and share in the ministry of the church there.
Find the information and application form here
Please Note - email applications to phil@presbyterian.org.nz first – don’t email directly to Taiwan. Global Mission will only provide subsidies for applications sent through and endorsed by PCANZ. Please contact Global Mission Director Phil King, phil@presbyterian.org.nz for further information.